By choosing Hot dip Galvanizing to protect steel from corrosion, you are prolonging the life of steel and your investment and helping preserve natural resources. The long-life durable coating is processed at a relatively low environmental cost in terms of energy when compared to the energy value of producing steel it protects.
The Galvanizers Association of Australia of which Albury Galvanizing is a member, has an Environmental Product Declaration, which is an independent, Verified, and registered document that communicates transparent, comparable data and other relevant information about the life-cycle environmental impact of a product.
This EPD can be found here:
Albury Galvanizing is committed to our environment and sustainability and have implemented the following strategies to preserve resources and minimise impact our on the environment.
Emissions filtration – Albury Galvanizing operates a Baghouse which is an air pollution control device. They are designed to receive the fume from the kettle, capture the particulates and exhaust clear air.
Zinc Recycling – Albury Galvanizing operates a furnace that is for reclaiming zinc metal from the residual ash that is formed during the hot dip galvanizing process. The furnace separates the zinc from ash. This zinc is then recycled back into the galvanizing bath. The ash is used in the fertilizer & battery industries.
Wire Recycling – All wire that is used for the hanging of steel product through the galvanizing process is compacted into bales and sent for recycling, instead of going to landfill.
Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collection and storage of rain, rather than allowing it to run off. Rainwater is collected from our factory roof and stored in tanks. This water is then re-used in our plant, to replenish tank levels lost through evaporation.
Heat Recovery systems Albury Galvanizing operates a drying chamber to preheat steel prior to dipping. This drying chamber utilises waste heat from the galvanizing bath. This process reduces energy costs, emissions and minimises waste products.
Chemical Technology Chemical Inhibitors & anti-vapours are used in our acid pickling baths, These chemical additions prevent over pickling of the steelwork to be galvanized and prevent corrosive hydrochloric acid fumes from vaporising allowing for a better work environment for staff.
Green Flux Technology Our Flux Regeneration and filtering equipment is the 1st of its kind in the Australian Galvanizing Industry. Not only does this equipment minimise iron particles from entering the galvanizing kettle but also recovers zinc chlorides from our waste pickling acid that can then be used in the production of flux solution to be used in our Pre-Flux bath. The end result is a superior level of quality of the finished Galvanized work and a reduction in waste generation.